Getting Started¶


  1. Create a conda environment (highly recommended to avoid compatibility issues) and activate it

conda create -n "llm_detector" python=3.10.12 ipython
conda activate llm_detector
  1. Install pytorch with a version compatible with your CUDA driver

For CUDA version 11.8 (check your version with nvidia-smi and see PyTorch’s website):

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
  1. Clone and install the package

git clone
pip install -e .

TODO Add to PyPI

Generate the benchmark¶


create_dataset generation=$attack watermark=$watermark_scheme

Choose the attack in the available list here.
See here for all the other parameters for generating the data.

Test a detector on the created benchmark¶


test_detector detection=$detector 

Choose the detector in the available list here.
See here for all the other parameters for testing a detector on the generated benchmark.