How to add a new detector on the detection benchmarkΒΆ

To add a new detector, 3 files need to be added/modified:

  • add: a .py file in detector_benchmark/detector containing the class for the new detector, inheriting the base detector class.

  • add: a configuration file under detector_benchmark/conf/detection to configure the new detector.

  • modify: detector_benchmark/detector/ to be able to load the detector from the .py file created above.

The added detector class should have at least a constructor and a detect function with the following signature:

def detect(self, texts: list, batch_size: int, detection_threshold: float) -> tuple[list[int], list[float], list[int]]:

Where texts is a list of text to be detected as LLM-written or not and it should return the following variables:

  • preds: a list of 0s (human-written) and 1s (LLM-generated) with the predicted labels computed as argmax of the logits of both classes

  • logits_pos_class: the list of logits or probabilities for the positive class (softmaxed or not)

  • preds_at_threshold: same as preds but where the prediction is made using a threshold on the logits rather than argmax

You can look at already added detectors for guiding examples.